Thursday, August 14, 2008

random ABCs

Okay, I sketches this time, just a collection of random words in alphabetical order. I found them on this site. A lot of them were just words that made me laugh and think "there's actually a word for that?".

Adamitism : nakedness for religious reasons

Bacillicide : killer of berries

Chasmophile : lover of nooks and crannies

Dysteleology : study of purposeless organs

Ecdysiast : striptease performer

Floromancy : belief that flowers have feelings

Gamomania : obsession with issuing odd marriage proposals

Hadeharia : constant use of the word "hell"

Irenology : study of peace

Jettatura : the evil eye

Kit : a small pocket violin

Lollop : to bound about wildly

Myristivorous : feeding upon nutmegs

Neolatry : worship of novelty

Oikology : science of housekeeping

Pogonaisis : excessive growth of beard

Quagswag : to shake to and fro

Resofincular : resembling a wire hanger

Saponify : to convert into soap

Tichorrhine : woolly rhinoceros

Utricide : one who stabs an inflated skin vessel instead of killing someone

Voltigeur : lightly armed skirmisher

Wheeple : to whistle feebly

Xenodocheionology : love of hotels

Yakow : animal crossbred from male yak and a domestic cow

Zoocephalic : animal-headed

It would be an interesting challenge to use each of these words in a sentence, I think.

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