Monday, August 25, 2008

three weddings

I attended my third and last wedding of the summer about a week ago. The first two being my cousin's, then a childhood friend's. This last one probably had the most impact for me because I grew up with Ashley and even though we haven't been as close in recent years, she's always been and will always be a big part of my life. She and Sarah are the people I think of when I hear the phrase "the older you get, the more you need people who knew you when you were young" (name that song!). Of course, I'm still young...but there's a nice sisterly bond there that's lasted for 22 years through ups and downs.

The wedding was simple and fun. Which is really how weddings should be, in my opinion. It was extra interesting because the groom (Francis) is from Nigeria, and his family had the most beautiful clothes. Gorgeous fabrics and bright colors. For the reception, Ashley and Francis changed into special outfits made from fabric imported from Nigeria (shown above). Beautiful!

I think it's amazing how different weddings can be. Granted, before this summer, the last wedding I'd been to was my cousin Allison's wedding almost ten years these past three are really the only ones that are fresh in my memory. But you'd think with something as common as marriage, everything would start to feel the same after a while. So far (luckily), that hasn't been my experience. Jared and Jen had been dating for ten years before they got married, so everybody seemed to know each other was comfortable, fun, and tastefully elegant. Andy and Courtney's wedding was massively opulent...I didn't get to stay for the dancing, but it was great to see some friends from high school. It was a bit of sensory overload with the five foot sculpted ice vase, hundreds of red roses and strawberries everywhere, picture slideshow projected on one wall, lights and candles, and just about everything you'd expect to see in a celebrity wedding. Ashley and Francis kept things simple and to-the-point, just focusing on family and friends, music and fun.

I'm not saying any wedding was better than the others, it was just interesting to see how much variety there was...I've never thought about what I want my own wedding to be like, and honestly I still have a hard time picturing myself getting married at this point in my life. All I know is I want it to be fun!

Okay, girly wedding talk done.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Things that make me laugh out loud.

(It doesn't take much)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

2D is not dead!

A new Disney princess 2D! Set in New Orleans...There's concept art in the Character Design blog linked on the right, and it looks lovely!

I'm such a sucker for anything Disney and princess....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

random ABCs

Okay, I sketches this time, just a collection of random words in alphabetical order. I found them on this site. A lot of them were just words that made me laugh and think "there's actually a word for that?".

Adamitism : nakedness for religious reasons

Bacillicide : killer of berries

Chasmophile : lover of nooks and crannies

Dysteleology : study of purposeless organs

Ecdysiast : striptease performer

Floromancy : belief that flowers have feelings

Gamomania : obsession with issuing odd marriage proposals

Hadeharia : constant use of the word "hell"

Irenology : study of peace

Jettatura : the evil eye

Kit : a small pocket violin

Lollop : to bound about wildly

Myristivorous : feeding upon nutmegs

Neolatry : worship of novelty

Oikology : science of housekeeping

Pogonaisis : excessive growth of beard

Quagswag : to shake to and fro

Resofincular : resembling a wire hanger

Saponify : to convert into soap

Tichorrhine : woolly rhinoceros

Utricide : one who stabs an inflated skin vessel instead of killing someone

Voltigeur : lightly armed skirmisher

Wheeple : to whistle feebly

Xenodocheionology : love of hotels

Yakow : animal crossbred from male yak and a domestic cow

Zoocephalic : animal-headed

It would be an interesting challenge to use each of these words in a sentence, I think.

that's more like it

I've been on a roll for the past week and everything in my life is receiving a little make-over, including this blog. I just need a change every once in a while...if I could afford it, I'd probably be going to get my hair cut and colored because it's getting to that time of year. I've started making a conscious effort to walk at least a mile every day and eat healthier. I'd love to just go shopping and get an entirely new wardrobe. I want new music, more artwork for my apartment, and a new job and people to work with.

I finally feel like I'm going forward and getting out of this rut, and that's the best feeling in the world. I have a job interview tomorrow, so here's to a step in the right direction!

Sketches will come next, I think.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

easily amused

I got distracted by some random video clips on the Comcast site...I have no other explanation.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

stop playing clock games!

My alarm went off at nine this morning, just like I'd set it to last night. What was unusual about this morning was how incredibly tired I was when it went off. Granted, I fell asleep just after one in the morning, so perhaps my body needed more sleep than it had gotten...But when I kept drifting back into solid sleep over the next two hours, I had to snap myself out of it and get out of bed because there was no way I was sleeping in past eleven. Not when I have schoolwork to finish up!

So I got dressed and plopped down in front of the computer to start on my Digital and Noir Culture class for the day...The first item on my list for that class was watching Pulp Fiction. I'll get back to that later...the real point of this story is the fact that 45 minutes into the movie I happen to glance at the clock and see that it only read 10:00. I looked at the other clock, and it said the same. I looked at my phone. 10:00 in the a.m. I paused the movie and went in to look at my bedside clock.


Awesome. I somehow, and it's still a complete mystery to me, but I SOMEHOW managed to reset my clock ahead two hours and three minutes. And in the process I robbed myself of two hours of restful sleep.

I was just baffled, but fully I laughed it off and went back to the movie.

I'm surprised I liked Pulp Fiction as much as I did. It was interesting, I actually laughed out loud in some areas, and it's something I'll definitely want to watch again.

I'm so behind the curve when it comes to movies...Go me!