Monday, December 15, 2008

who fails at updating?

I do!

Goodness gracious. Life has pretty much made a 180 in the past couple of months. I have a job with RCI, working in the call center, which is something I never pictured myself doing. Luckily the company treats its employees well, I've got tons of great free vacation opportunities, great benefits, and lots of incentives. The people are great, the work isn't too bad, and I feel comfortable there.

The main benefit of working there, though, is the ability to really concentrate my creative energy on the comic that Laura and I have started. We're hoping to have our first set of pages uploaded early February!

I'll have some doodles I made on my materials over the past four weeks of training to show off...It always works out that some of my favorite drawings are done on the margins of notebooks or on scrap paper rather than my sketchbook. Ah well! Those will come soon.

How the heck has everyone else been? I'm ready for 2009!


Unknown said...

Who fails at updating? I didn't even update my credit card information and my website went away. I win at not updating my blog the most! hehehe

I'm glad you're into the new job, that's great news. I was worried about you for a while there. It's hard to find a job when you don't have one. now you'll get all sorts of calls.

I can't even begin with my updates, but you know most of them and I can't wait for January. December has just been an overwhelming month and it's time to move on.

Unknown said...

Are you still here?