Ever been driving and listening to your iPod/CD/whatever when a song comes on that matches the mood of the day and the scene so perfectly it feels like you're in a movie? You know those scenes in movies with montages of characters driving places or going about their lives? I had that happen the other day while I was on my way to work (it was rainy and gloomy). The song "Best I Ever Had (Gray Sky Morning)" by Vertical Horizon came on, and I felt like I was in some sort of emo montage from a romantic comedy, at the point in the movie when the main couple has had their big fight and they're both in their separate places feeling sorry for themselves.. Of course, my life is NOTHING like a romantic comedy, but the mood and the music just happened to fit perfectly.
Another thing I really enjoy is when a song you're listening to happens to match up exactly with the click-click of your turn signal. I discovered John Mayer's "Stop This Train" syncs with my turn signal clicking exactly. That's always fun.
Let's see, what else...
I always have to laugh when I see people jogging on the sidewalk that look like they don't normally jog. Because they just kind of look like they're running from something.
In other news, I found out I don't get the keys to my new apartment until April 1st, and I have until the 7th to move out of my current one. So that gives me roughly an extra week to get stuff together. It's looking like this move will go smoother than the past couple. I really do hope that's the case, because I don't need more to stress about right now.
I had a dream last night that I went to check out my new apartment, just do a walk-through and visit it before I moved in. The apartment complex looked nothing like the one I live in (which usually happens in dreams), first of all. There were so many hallways leading in all different directions and ending in odd places. The walls were painted deep, bright blues, and there were random signs all over the place.
I got outside (because I'm actually transferring to the OTHER building that makes up the apartment complex) and tried to find my way to the other building. But there was this tall fence and pretty tall grass between the buildings for some reason. And the only way around the fence was through these huge bleachers full of people on the other side, apparently watching a concert of some sort (I think there were fireworks..even though it was the middle of the day). Once I got through that and finally into the other building, there was another series of confusing hallways...the apartment doors were numbered in completely illogical ways.
It felt like I was going around in circles trying to find apartment 235...until I came to this giant open room with what looked like four or five sunken floor areas that were numbered. One of them was occupied by this girl who was clipping her toenails, I think. She had really greasy hair and her clothes were all a mess...her little square area was cluttered with a bunch of crap. And guess what? The sunken area right next to hers was labeled 235. As if that was going to be my apartment. This little area in a big open room, no walls, no privacy. I believe I said something along the lines of "oh, hell no" in my dream and stormed off to the office to see if I could get a different place...something along the lines of a REAL apartment. So, I ended the dream stressed about finding a way to get everything straightened out in the short week I had left.
I laugh about it now, but if something like that happened I'd have to cry.
The crazy blue walls WERE kind of cool, though.