Tuesday, September 23, 2008


As in "popular girl hair"...my term for hair that looks flawless and effortless and the kind of hair I've wanted since I was young. Obviously it doesn't come without effort, but I think this is the first haircut/style I've gotten where I've been completely happy with the outcome. Here's a little before and after...

We'll see if I can re-create this look on my own...I certainly hope so.

In other news, I'm becoming increasingly concerned about (and annoyed with) my upstairs neighbor. Not only do they seem to consistently pace around their apartment at the exact time I try to go to sleep (which varies from midnight to 1, sometimes later), but I've noticed an increase in what sounds like rough-housing in the past several nights. I'll hear and feel stampeding and massive thuds, as if somebody's fallen to the floor. When I have my door and window open, I'll hear muffled yelling every once in a while...at one point in time (at 2 in the morning last night), I heard glass shatter. I don't want to stick my nose into anybody else's business but it is a little concerning, especially considering around this time last year I was unfortunate enough to hear an altercation outside my last apartment that resulted in somebody shooting themself.

In other OTHER news, I broke down and bought the complete first season of Pushing Daisies, which has easily become my favorite scripted television show. I'm a sucker for anything quirky, artistic, fairy-tale, funny, and fast-paced. And this show has it all! This is the first show I've ever bought on DVD, and I've already watched all nine episodes...and I want to watch them again. Whatever holds me over until the first week of October!

And finally, even though I don't care about awards shows in general, I was fortunate enough to turn on the Emmy's in time to see the brilliance that is Josh Groban and TV theme show medleys...Enjoy!

1 comment:

Laura said...

You better be ready to take that hair out this weekend, Diva.

Back to class. lol