Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Things that have annoyed me over the past few days:

1. Jace Lucas asking me if I have a website, scoffing at my mention of having a blog, and upon seeing my portfolio briefly, saying "Cute. What's it called?" in his usual condescending tone of voice. I wanted to slap him.

2. Catching some random stomach bug that caused me to actually throw up for the first time in recent memory. Not a pleasant way to start the day...hopefully tomorrow turns out better. Jon did do this nice little dramatization for me earlier (using the font Harrington, of course):

3. This crap weather hasn't done a lot to help moods...The fog yesterday was crazy (not to mention kind of creepy).

Things that have amused me over the past few days:

1. Laura pouring the perfect glass of soda. Apparently there was exactly enough soda left in the bottle to fill up the glass she'd gotten EXACTLY. It was a modern-day miracle. Observe:

2. Fulfilling my margarita craving. And finding butt indents on the booth seat from the person who'd been sitting there before...


Unknown said...

Hey, I'm famous! My work will soon hang in museums! (I kinda wish I'd spent more than a couple minutes on that now. hehe)

That pic of the tree is really creepy, great shot!

The perfect glass of soda is actually pretty amazing in a weird-and-almost-embarrising-that-it's-intertaining-me sort of way.

Last, but not least: Butt dents??? How? Those are not the sort of dents a person wearing pants leaves. That's all I'm saying.

Awesome pictures!

Lou said...

I don't know if I want to know the answer to your last question...All I know is that when I got to the booth and looked down, there were some epic butt-indents. I think we should just let the mystery remain...